Custom Package

Package 3

Our third package, the Custom Package, can be organised depending on your needs and will be priced accordingly. Using our knowledge and connections within the region, we would be happy to customise an experience best fitting for you if you are interested in the following:

  • Staying for an extended period in the high pastures with the shepherds
  • Shooting a photography or video documentary project
  • Gaining specific, indigenous knowledge from the Malësorë shepherds (for example, their cheesemaking process, medicinal plant use, veterinary practices in the remote mountains, traditional instruments & music culture, wool/knitting practice, etc.)
Package 3 - Custom Package
Get a custom package recommendation tailor-made for you based on your interests.
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The main goal of The Shepherd's Way Albania is to support shepherd families directly, so they receive 50% of the revenue. The rest we will invest in social projects to improve their lives, preserve their cultural heritage and support the local community.

Want to know more about how we price our packages? Click below to find out where exactly your money is going.
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