Nina Martinelli

ADventurous - CURIOUS - dedicated

Nina had an international upbringing, and quite an unusual one at that. Starting in London, she grew up as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) in 9 different countries and had been hopping around the globe every few years since she was just five months old. She was proud to say she came from "everywhere and nowhere" and continued this whirlwind, "nomadic" lifestyle into adulthood.

For the first few years of her career, Nina worked on different projects as a visual storyteller. Eventually, she applied her cross-cultural skills and creative eye through (documentary) photography. With a camera in hand, she first discovered the region of Kelmend in March 2022 and has been deeply committed to documenting this vibrant community of inhabitants ever since.

Inspired by the wise words of one of the shepherds, “You live better in the place where you contribute something”, she is now living in Albania, using her visual storytelling skills to work at the local and international level to raise awareness for the lives of Malësorë shepherds in northern Albania and doing what she can to help this community which she loves so dearly.

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